Mission Statement
The Apostle Paul was a scholar with a keen understanding of the scripture, an entrepreneur skilled at making tents, a pioneer of the early church establishing many churches and a passionate follower of Christ. His life and teachings serve as an inspiration to us at St. Paul Christian University. Our goal is to create a transformative learning environment where students get a special combination of biblical knowledge, Christian business savvy, and evangelism & pioneering skills that will enable them to make a significant impact to the masses. We consider faith and business to be complementary. As a result, our programs combine Christian business principles with faith-based education, enabling our students to succeed in their marketplace and ministerial careers. Our goal is to create graduates who are not only prosperous in professional and ministry environments but also exhibit Christlike leadership and integrity, influencing their communities and workplaces. By adopting the missionary zeal of the Apostle Paul, we inspire in our students a passion for evangelism and spreading the Gospel to a needy world. We challenge our students to be fearless representatives of Christ's love, compassion, and hope via deliberate discipleship, outreach programs, and international missions.

About Us
Based on the principles from the Bible, St. Paul Christian University is dedicated to promoting academic success, spiritual development, and the acquisition of practical skills. Our students obtain a thorough understanding of God's Word and are prepared to apply its eternal truths to their personal lives, ministry, and professional endeavors via rigorous study of the Bible, theology, and Christian business principles. At St. Paul Christian University, we promote a welcoming and multicultural environment where teachers, staff, and students interact in deep ways that promote spiritual development and personal growth. Our dedication to diversity and respect for one another fosters an environment of compassion and understanding that embodies harmony. We believe that God has given each individual special abilities and gifts. As a result, we offer individualized care and mentoring to expose leaders to influence based leadership, enabling students to find their mission and purpose and have a significant effect on the world as servantleaders. With unwavering dedication to academic excellence, faith integration, and evangelistic fervor, St. Paul Christian University is a gold standard Christian university of higher learning where our students obtain practical and spiritual skills to succeed in life, business, and ministry.

It has been my vision for over 20 years to create a school where you not only learn about the Bible but the details of leading a growing business and/or ministry. Now, my vision is coming to pass!
— Dr. Darnell West, D.D., Ph.D.

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